本帖最后由 小L 于 2012-9-26 13:37 编辑
光电宝宝 发表于 2012-9-25 22:47
楼主说的缺点 第一条中 我的TK21也有这个问题,电池电压稍微低一些 半按开关 会闪,很不稳定,锁定后没有察 ...
PWM: The C20C doe use pulse width modulation, at least to some extent, but I cannot see it at all in normal use, or even looking at a fan or running water. I can detect very fast PWM on Low mode by setting my camera to it's shortest exposure (1/4000"). I cannot detect PWM on any other mode, but most lights the use PWM at all, use it on all but the highest mode.
T20cs:Sunwayman claims this light to have a "constant current circuit", which means no pulse width modulation. I could find no trace of visible PWM on any mode, and no audible whine or buzz.