ken 发表于 2004-11-1 07:59

<P><b><FONT color=#0000ff>funder兄</FONT><FONT color=#000000>:</FONT></b></P><P><b>燈杯和組裝方法如Penny兄所說一樣,小弟是用3W(TX1J)的,及以改用新款MCR-27反光杯和UCL29.1mm鏡片,</b></P><P><b>比原裝約有10%以上增益</b></P>

hifipenny 发表于 2004-11-1 10:09

<P>你又放毒了,本以为买pr or pr-t灯头就万事大吉,哪想还要update</P>
<P>直接观察mcr-27灯杯的光洁度似乎就比pr的灯杯好很多,又是12usd </P>
<P><a href=";osCsid=9c7869359c73d0d102776fc01c057607" target="_blank" >;osCsid=9c7869359c73d0d102776fc01c057607</A></P>
<P>还看到一块<a href=";osCsid=9c7869359c73d0d102776fc01c057607" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000000>29.3mm Saphire Crystal</FONT></A>,要20usd,差点从凳子上跌下去,不知道是什么水晶材质,这么贵,也查不到saphire是什么意思?我都在想是不是自己找好点的眼睛片来磨了</P>
<P>The light transmission from mcr-27 appears to have improved over the modified PR by anywhere from 10 to 20%,ucl make another 10% improvement,the total improvement will access 20%</P>
<P>mclux aleph 1灯头的灯杯是mcr-27,但好像这个头不能直接用于sf e series?</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-1 2:11:20编辑过]

ken 发表于 2004-11-1 11:10

<P>McR-27 是比原裝的光亮很多和它反射出來的spot比較圓!</P>
<P>在Dat2zip\'s Sandwich Shoppe上的AR 29.3mm和UCL 不同的!</P>
<P>而UCL 29.1mm(Thin)是約1.2mm厚,29.3mm的約1.9mm厚,放在PR &amp; PR-T上是會厚了些,UCL網址<a href="" target="_blank" ></A></P>
<P>O-Ring方面也?用換的,我的PR &amp; PR-T的橙色O-ring(矽)是訂做的!!</P>
<P>在網上那款<FONT color=#000000>29.3mm Saphire Crystal(藍宝石水晶)是和手錶上用的一樣,但我覺得用UCL 以非常夠用了</FONT></P>
<P>Aleph 1-3 燈頭,是可以和SF互換的,(因它們出品的Aleph筒身是可裝上KL1,KL4等等)</P>
<P><a href=";Store_Code=TnC&amp;Category_Code=FA" target="_blank" >;Store_Code=TnC&amp;Category_Code=FA</A></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-1 3:50:59编辑过]

Raptor 发表于 2004-11-1 17:18


funder 发表于 2004-11-1 17:24

<P>我看过那个卖改装品的网站,暂时只买了一个Two-stage switch和一个橡胶屁股备用</P>
<P>现在出门在外,什么工具都没有,还是玩点简单的吧。PR 灯头的后续工作太多了。</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-1 9:24:52编辑过]

funder 发表于 2004-11-1 20:30

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>waiting27</I>在2004-11-1 12:18:56的发言:</B>


ken 发表于 2004-11-1 21:49


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-1 14:02:59编辑过]

funder 发表于 2004-11-1 23:20

<P>30 ohm的,和原光拉开距离,使用时间长一点</P>
<P>现在KL1,KL1,E1e,E2e都有,回来换着玩,打算用17670 16340锂电</P>
<P>初步打算改一个E1eHA筒身加two-stage switch, 配合PR灯头,MCR27反光碗,UCL,nexgen1000ma的Converter,3W的Emitter(估计也只能找到T bin的了吧),这样配置是否合理?还需要那些必要部件(比如导热硅脂,胶等)?</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-1 17:47:41编辑过]

funder 发表于 2004-11-2 01:49


hifipenny 发表于 2004-11-2 02:30

<P>那片29.3mm Saphire Crystal,我是肯定不会买的,只不过好奇罢了。</P>
<P>ar-coated ucl应该是目前通透度最好的镜片</P>
<P>很痛苦,走马观花的看了mcgizmo的板块,对aleph head多些了解</P>
<P>相比较pr or pr-t,除了散热方面,aleph 1灯头似乎优势更大!</P>
<P>The PR-T has an integral heat sink/ bulkhead (advantage).
The Aleph 1 has a removeable LE (advantage).
The Aleph 1 has a soda lime glass window with double sided AR coating (advantage).
The Aleph 1 has what I consider to be an improved window seal with the O-ring seating on an internal shoulder in the bore and the window compresed against it via a threaded bezel ring. </P>
<P><b>Just in from the marketing department: The new Aleph 1 has vast improvements over the PR and PR-T heads. The release of the Aleph 1 has rendered these earlier heads obsolete and any self respecting flashaholic would immediately stick their PR and PR-T heads on the shelf to make way for the new Aleph 1!! </b></P>
<P>1、The Aleph 1 has a removeable LE 中的 LE 是什么东西?</P>
<P>2、The Aleph 1 has a soda lime glass window with double sided AR coating 中的soda lime glass window with double sided AR coating 是不是就是Dat2zip\'s Sandwich Shoppe上的AR 29.3mm,这个soda lime glass window with double sided AR coating 和mcgizmo后面所引述的<b>Luxar<SUP>&reg; </SUP>glass </b>是不是同样的镜片? 帖子:click <a href=";Board=MicGizmo&amp;Number=664098&amp;page=12&amp;view=collapsed&amp;sb=5&amp;o=&amp;fpart=all" target="_blank" ><b><FONT color=#3300ff>here</FONT></b></A></P>
<P>(<b>Luxar<SUP>&reg; </SUP>glass is the new leader in<SUP> </SUP>anti-reflection glass. Unlike many similar anti-reflective products which are soft coat, Luxar is a hard coat which allows for easier handling, longer shelf life and makes Luxar an excellent candidate for exterior applications that are subject to environmental stress and constant cleaning. Luxar\'s anti-reflective coating reduces the glare of uncoated glass from<I> 8% to 0.5% </I>when coated on both surfaces.</b>)</P>
<P>dat2zip\'s Sandwich Shoppe上面的aleph 1已经用的是mcr-27。几乎灭掉小弟购买pr head kit的想法</P>
<P>如果小弟买pr head kit,但又要换用mcr-27灯杯 ,这样就会多出一个无用的pr灯杯。如果用aleph 1 head,那么又和sf body颜色不合,难道还要去买一支e2d!!</P>
<P>另外,mcr系列灯杯是不是金属材质?mcr-27实在是诱人!!!mcr-27〉ims 27&gt;pr</P>
<P>大哥有无使用mcr 17的经验,这个东西应该是可以直接替换nx05的吧?不过好像通透性不及ims 17</P>
<P>另外,我没有找到任何关于aleph head kit组装的文档,大哥有否见到?</P>
<P>Aleph 1 Head Kit consists of a Aleph 1 head + ring, Aleph 1 window + o-ring and a McR27(new 27mm reflector)。是否还需要购买ECan,PM Emitter Board?</P>

CrazyLED 发表于 2004-11-2 02:32

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Raptor</I>在2004-11-1 9:18:04的发言:</B>


还是买块77mm的B+W UV镜自己切割算了。。。

ken 发表于 2004-11-2 02:42

<P>funder:</P><P>初步打算改一个E1eHA筒身加two-stage switch, 配合PR灯头,MCR27反光碗,UCL,nexgen1000ma的Converter,3W的Emitter(估计也只能找到T bin的了吧</P><P>這組合在3W LED中計算.以好得無話可說了,如用nexgen750mA(比較平均),我個人覺得會比nexgen1000mA好一點(使用的時間少了一些)是要準備一些,混合散熱膠(不導電)給電路板,散熱膏給LED.可用電腦那種</P><P>是否超過new KL1,哈哈我也?知道!!!(只知是兩回事)</P>

ken 发表于 2004-11-2 02:49

<P> <FONT color=#000066><B>CrazyLED</B></FONT> 兄:</P><P>哈哈,打算切割3片麼?留一片給小弟啊</P>

hifipenny 发表于 2004-11-2 02:50

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>funder</I>在2004-11-1 15:20:26的发言:</B>
<P>初步打算改一个E1eHA筒身加two-stage switch, 配合PR灯头,MCR27反光碗,UCL,nexgen1000ma的Converter,3W的Emitter(估计也只能找到T bin的了吧),这样配置是否合理?还需要那些必要部件(比如导热硅脂,胶等)?</P></DIV>


<P>单个123用nexgen1000也许不是一个好主意,除非能够买到vf bin 为h or j的lux3,否则用123a无法让nexgen1000实现full regulation。采用16340 li-ion的话,会有25分钟左右的full regulation,但是我觉得还是能兼容两种电池比较好,也许把电流设定在750ma比较理想


<P>The lower you drive the output the lower the critical threshold becomes to kick start it into full regulation.

The 3.4V is just a reference point given a K bin Lux3 and a Nexgen 1A.

For a Nexgen 750 the critical threshold is ~75% of 3.4V.

For a Nexgen500 the critical threshold would then be 50% of 3.4V approximately.

A higher Vf Luxeon would raise this threshold and a lower Vf Luxeon would lower this threshold.

<B>For a standard 123, the Nexgen 1A and 750 will not start in most cases on a regular 123. The Nexgen500 will start in most cases on a regular 123. You probably will never notice tho. If it starts in safe mode, it\'s still driving the Luxeon very hard.</B>
<P>这里有一些mcgizmo做的run time graph,里面有123a使用nexgen1000的

<P><a href="" target="_blank" ></A></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-1 18:53:22编辑过]

hifipenny 发表于 2004-11-2 02:59


funder 发表于 2004-11-2 03:12

<P>呵呵,我是追求 亮度体积比的那种,不大在乎使用时间,电池也是用16340的,而且尾巴是Two-stage 的,还有一个弱光可选啊,不过这样的配置,尾段电阻选多大的比较好呢?</P>

ken 发表于 2004-11-2 03:28

<P>penny:</P><P>aleph 1 LE,這是他們用Fullset Aleph產品及加了一些特別外觀如全銀色和加了tritium等,好像沒有公開發售,只在CPF上抽獎的獎品</P><P>Aleph 1-3是?包Ecan &amp;PM board的,也許他們是?會出HA natural Aleph 燈頭的!!如留意一下便知為何!!!</P><P><b>Luxar是膠片,而AR 29.3mm和UCL 的29.1mm這兩片小弟也有,表面上是沒有分別,其實大小也是一樣,?過UCL厚一點1.2mm,AR 1mm!!</b></P><P><b>McR是用鋁做,而IMS是用膠的,McR-17好像還沒出過貨!</b></P>

ken 发表于 2004-11-2 03:48

<P><b><FONT color=#0000ff>funder</FONT></b> :</P><P>小弟有15,22及30ohm的Two-stage,我覺得如L4用22ohm比較好,PR or PR-T 3W用15ohm很合用!!!</P>

funder 发表于 2004-11-2 03:54

<P>我只要求弱光档能比Arc AAA强点,能看书找个东西就够了,30 ohm也可以吧,不过以后如果再买一个,会考虑15 ohm</P><P>VC220568:上面那个组合的O-ring 应该买那种合适?</P>

ken 发表于 2004-11-2 04:09

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