<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>s2k在2004-3-9 22:08:40</I>的发言:</B><BR><B>Warranty<BR><BR></B>All of our flashlights are covered under our Limited Lifetime repair/replacement warranty against manufacturer’s defects. It also has a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. We encourage you to check your Arc thoroughly within this 30-day period to make sure you absolutely love everything about this light. If you need repair/replacement or have any questions:<BR><BR>Arc Flashlight LLC <BR>1835 E. 6th Street <BR>Suite 21 <BR>Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA <BR><A href="mailto:info@arcflashlight.com" target="_blank" >info@arcflashlight.com</A> <BR><A href="http://www.arcflashlight.com/" target="_blank" >www.arcflashlight.com</A> <BR>Local: (480) 752-8554 <BR>Toll Free: 1-888-752-8554
在线客户服务:<A href="http://chat.boldchat.com/chat/visitor.jsp?cdid=690252283" target="_blank" >http://chat.boldchat.com/chat/visitor.jsp?cdid=690252283</A><BR><BR>他们不需要发票这种东西,买过arc的朋友应该都知道,只要是他们做的一线品,永远提供保修。联系方法就这么多了,我不知道您到底怎么给他们email联系的,我每次给他们的邮件都能在当天,最多第二天得到回复。如果着急的话可以多发两遍让对方重视。
我能做的就这么多。用过ARC LS系列的朋友都知道到底怎么回事,呵呵。
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Hi Peter:
I just bought an ARC4+ Premium from somebody else, the Serial Number is 0851,would you please check for me if it\'s a Prumium or a Second?
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-10 13:13:53编辑过]