首先说明,没有褒义,也没有贬低的意思。只是闲来无事,浏览了SF网站的一些手电用户自己写的“TRUE STORIES”
Extreme Cold Doesn't Faze Backup™
I work on a drilling rig in Northern Canada, and I experience some pretty harsh weather sometimes. I started off my last rotation at work with a rig move in -40° C weather. At that temperature pretty much everything freezes and starts acting up. My watch and cell phone were the first items to freeze up and stop working. The next item to fall victim to the cold was my folding knife, which froze shut and proved extremely difficult to open. But, when it came time for my SureFire E1B Backup™ to perform, I was pleasantly surprised. After I cleared the frost from the lens and pressed the tailcap, the light came right on, which made me very happy. I used my E1B a fair amount that day, and, even in the extreme cold, every time I needed light, it fired right up.
I've tried many different pieces of gear at work, and nearly everything fails in these extreme conditions—but not SureFire. Thanks for making such a great light, one that can stand up to extreme, real-world conditions.
Cody H.
Ladysmith, BC
作者说E1B在-40度(摄氏)下面,手机and手表都“freeze up and stop working”,但是E1B在零下40度始终无恙。
Deep Freeze Doesn't Faze Defender®
I'm a big hunter, and I take my E2D Defender® with me everywhere. I had just returned from a duck hunting trip, and when I arrived home it was cold and dark. It had snowed over the past few days, and water was dripping from my roof into a five-gallon bucket in my driveway. As I unloaded my gear in the dark, I went to grab my Defender to help guide the way, but it was gone. Little did I know that, in the midst of unloading, I'd dropped my light in the five-gallon bucket of icy-cold water. Luckily I had a 6P® on standby, which I used to unload the rest of my gear and look for my Defender. After a long search, I finally gave up hope and went inside for the night, convinced I had left my Defender at my hunting spot.
The next morning, while cleaning up my driveway with the rest of my gear, I peered into the bucket. The water had frozen solid, and there was my Defender, suspended in the middle of the block of ice. It was as if I was looking at a pre-historic piece of Amber with a mosquito frozen in the middle. I smashed the ice block up and chiseled my Defender from the ice. I pushed the tail-cap, as if in slow motion, and the light turned right on. I couldn't believe it! Submerged in freezing water and then frozen in solid ice? I'm not sure what other product would survive conditions like that.
Once again, SureFire has proven they truly make the best lights on the planet. Thank you.
Aaron H.
Prescott, AZ
作者说E2DL,在冰冻情况下,解冻后依旧完好。 G2 Takes Acid Bath
I work in an electroplating factory, where I inspect the plating units to make sure everything is working properly. One day one of the machines got stuck, so I pulled out my handy G2® Nitrolon® to take a look at its gears, and I discovered that it had a loose chain. So I set my G2 on the walkway and went in to fix the darn thing.
When I climbed out, I noticed that my G2 had disappeared from the spot where I left it. I asked the foremen if anyone had taken it as a joke, but he said no, so I pulled out my SureFire E2E Executive backup light and started searching for my G2. It didn't take me long to discover my G2 lying like a distressed submarine at the bottom of a tank of sulfuric acid. My heart sank—What could be worse than seeing a fine piece of equipment drowning in a highly corrosive chemical bath?
A few hours later, we managed to retrieve the poor thing, and after flushing it thoroughly with water to remove the acid, I grabbed my flashlight and pressed the tailcap. My G2 responded by emitting a brilliant beam of light! Everyone on the scenes was stunned at how the tiny G2 had survived for hours submerged in industrial-grade sulfuric acid. Thanks for not cutting corners, SureFire.
W.S. Poon
Shatin, Hong Kong
大概猜测的意思,是说G2在工业级别硫酸里面“泡”过,但是依旧好用.............. Torch Outshines Laser
I often go walking late at night; I enjoy the cool, calm air and the peace and quiet. One night, I was out for a stroll, my SureFire E2D LED Defender® and my laser pointer in my pocket, when I came upon a group of four males, all 18-20 years old, harassing and annoying a young lady. I shouted at them and told them to leave the woman alone. Two of them stopped the woman from leaving, and the other two approached me.
As the two males approached me, it was clear they were looking for confrontation. So I immediately drew my E2D LED with my right hand, held it like a pistol, and blasted out its max output. This really made them stop in their tracks. Then I pulled out my laser pointer and pointed that at them. The two males were dazzled, shocked, and had to sit down to absorb what had just happened. I then approached the two males who were continuing to harass and annoy the young women. I was concerned this was a potential rape in the making. After seeing what had happened to their chums, they said, "We're not looking for any trouble," and became very passive. I said, "That's funny, because before I pulled out my torch and laser pointer, you were itching for a fight, and were hassling this lady."
The males ran off, and I helped the lady back to her house. She said to me, "That was incredible, like something out of a movie." I replied, "These things don't always have such a good ending. I will be reporting this to the police; they just walked right under a CCTV camera at the library."
Before waving goodbye, the lady asked what make of torch I had. I said, "SureFire." She didn't even mention the laser pointer.
Peter G.
Longniddry, UK
Before waving goodbye, the lady asked what make of torch I had. I said, "SureFire."
另外,我觉得对E2DL的高亮功能,有些高估了,对方难道就因为被晃了一下眼睛,就此罢手了?如果没有经过交手,很难想象在人数上有绝对优势的一方会害怕一个手持手电的人..........不知道我的理解是否有误。 本帖最后由 陆雨 于 2009-6-14 21:00 编辑
这个可以实践,你放冰箱里试试,8过家里的冰箱没-40℃怎么低,能搞到硫酸的筒友,也可以试试. 冰冻解冻倒不算离谱
至于用E2DL吓退一群人,人是主要的,手电起有限的辅助作用。 这个可以实践,你放冰箱里试试,8过家里的冰箱没-40℃怎么低,能搞到硫酸的筒友,也可以试试.
陆雨 发表于 2009-6-14 20:58
还好,目前还没有看到有人说SF能在零上50度工作,如果看到了,SF岂不是-50+50温度通吃..............这样的温度的环境,人能做什么?我可能的确没有啥极端状态下工作的经验,但是感觉如果零下50度的话,会有什么行业的人还在“整天”干活,如果只是出去巡查,那么手电实施上和人的温度是差不多的。 Three Strikes, You're Out
While working the front door at my family's bar in Riverside, WV, an intoxicated patron pulled a hunting knife on me. I immediately drew my SureFire 6P®, shining the light in my would-be attackers eyes. As he threw up his arm to shield his eyes from the light, I did a basic martial arts C-step and closed the distance. I grabbed his knife-wielding arm at the wrist and hit him three times with the 6P as fast as I could swing it. He went down and the SureFire light still works like a charm.
I still have the light. I have other flashlights, even a SureFire M6®, but my 6P will always hold a special place in my heart. It's just a great piece of gear that everyone should own.
John D.
Fayetteville, WV
不晓得那个人的hunting knife 是什么猎刀,如果是Bowie的话,我觉得用6P的P60,来晃一个拿着刀的intoxicated patron ,是勇敢OR轻率,万一这个家伙上来用刀捅向“亮光”的地方,OMG,后果不堪想象阿............ 还有很多,没有看完.....................对于这些故事,像我一样热爱并且相信SF的你,会相信这些么?
再次说明,我本人也是一个喜欢SF的新人,并且手中的手电,只购买SF,因为我相信SF的做工and品质。 我咋还是中士涅.............不晓得啥时候才能到上尉................ 这个可以实践,你放冰箱里试试,8过家里的冰箱没-40℃怎么低,能搞到硫酸的筒友,也可以试试.
陆雨 发表于 2009-6-14 20:58
Harries 发表于 2009-6-14 21:28
注意防潮~建议用个塑料袋子包上,防止潮气进去,应该会没有事情的。我水煮过L5没有啥事 我家冬天就零下四十多度的,有时候零下五十多度 本帖最后由 文少 于 2009-6-15 01:45 编辑
另外亦光柱十分強勁@o@ 低温工作非常正常尤其是北美靠近北极圈的地方。硫酸,如果不是在浓硫酸里长时间浸泡,也很正常。
手电对人或者对刀。如果对方没有必杀的想法。也正常。这个要双方当事人具体环境具体分析了。可以晚上在黑的地方自己找个人在各种距离用P60的6P或者G2对着自己长亮和多次点亮试试眼睛的感觉是不是很爽。尤其是手电一亮一灭后,对方身体移动是否能够目测判断。 说的比较模糊,翻译过来也很模糊首先电池要能顶住,泡酸的话外壳没事,但是你用手按么?,O圈顶得住么?,问体在于不拧紧的尾盖如果XXXXXX,以下省略N个字。。 -40的冰箱简单
不日送上测试 到商家区随便挑几个,估计大都能达到这些效果。
只不过SF写出来就被膜拜,国内品牌写出来就被鄙视。 还是用DIY的,心中有数 SF的外壳十分强悍,,,当年KL1为了拆卸,分别用了水煮法,油闷法,火烤法,,最后还是用管钳弄开了,,,,,