有些商品确实属于武 器禁运,而不是因为地域销售
从http://www.opticsplanet.net购买M3T后续,M3T可能属于地域销售限制,不过其他产品如下描述:Unfortunately, at this time we are not allowed to ship this product outside of the United States due to U.S. Federal regulations.All of the following items listed below are also subject to this restriction:
1. Night Vision Equipment and Night Vision Accessories such as: Monoculars, Binoculars, Goggles, Weapon Sights, Cameras, and Multipurpose Systems of Generation 2, 3, 4, or 5
2. Thermal Imaging Equipment, Heat Seekers and Weapon Mounted Accessories
3. Optical Sighting Equipment, Accessories, and Mounting Hardware of any kind, including: Riflescopes, Holographic Sights, Reflex Sights, Red Dot Sights, Laser Sights, and Bore Sights.
4. Tactical Flashlights and other sorted accessories for the above listed equipment.
5. Underwater Equipment
6. Electronics such as: Navigation Devices, Security Products and Accessories, and Surveying Equipment.
Also, if an item is intended to be attached to or to be used with a weapon of any kind, we will not export and will not assist directly or indirectly with exporting it!
Also, please note that we will not sell any of the aforementioned items to domestic customers who intend to export these restricted items out of the country.
For details, please visit our Export Policy page at http://www.opticsplanet.net/our-policy.html#export.
We have cancelled your order and have not charged your credit card.We apologize for any inconvenience that this cancellation may cause you.The consequences for exporting or assisting with the export of a restricted item can be severe, and we hope that you understand our position.If you have any further questions about our export policy or about anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at Sales@OpticsPlanet.com or by phone at (847) 513-6201.
Thank you for your understanding and have a great day!
[ 本帖最后由 cccbss 于 2008-7-19 09:03 编辑 ] 看字面似乎根本就不卖
不过还是发信问问吧 M3T国内好像也是这个价格吧,何必跑到米国买? 论坛神火云游去了,从别处问到的商家大部分都比这个价还高,那我何必从国内买?
只是想不到这次竟遇到这种情况,还是网站没有选好啊 这么麻烦我就一定不会从外面买,连邮费也不便宜呀 晕~这事情还真比较棘手啊? 原帖由 扎西德勒 于 2008-7-18 11:21 发表 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
头都大了 真是太背了....
又不影响世界和平.... 就是算过油费,UPS快递的价格,实际上也比北京很多商家的报价低了至少200元,所以才考虑从国外直接买
以往都买些电子产品和软件和书籍,从来没有遇过禁运的问题,这次算赶上了 要是我,肯定先写信问清楚再定,国外有很多这样的规定的!!以后要注意了! 大家要引以为戒啊,能和**品挂钩的,购买时务必慎重:'( 什么是**品????:lol :lol :lol 不过银行说还没有划款,经销商没有发账单呢:L
http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/opticsplanet_2007_124584767.jpg 国内卖的太贵了,基本都翻一番出价,比如上面那个Nikon 8-24x25 Eagleview ,有的地方竟然卖2000+:L