2011年Shot show, SF新目录谍照
另外SF也加上了发光强度的标注,光用光通量有些单薄。 都是好东西{:1_268:} 要是清晰点就好了 参数很好,只是外观有点像Superfire了,唉 不妨比较一下: 跑题插播4sevens的发布:
好消息 {:1_271:} 可以退燒了 SF的确老版的外观比较出众,现在新品外观比较平庸。那个金色的真恶俗呀,哈哈{:1_238:} 那是纯铜的散热部分,因为纯铜很软而且容易氧化变臭变黑,所以镀上一层铬。 有下载地址吗 有下载地址吗
xslwhwxh 发表于 2011-1-19 05:21 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif
http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=136997678491 谢了 链接打不开 非死不可在大陆是不存在的网站,翻墙可以看到一些幻觉图像。 有张清晰的了: CPF管理员Size15发帖关于2011新品的总结:
Lets make the list of proposed new models more accurate then...
R1 "Lawman" (li-ion, selectable, programmable, H/M/L output via dual TailCap & bezel switches, Reflector, 300 lumens)
UAR "Aviator" (li-ion, selectable output via ring & 4FTC, Reflector w/ four secondary LEDs, 500 lumens)
UBR "Invictus" (li-ion, selectable output via ring & 4FTC, TIR, 800 lumens)
UNR "Commander" (li-ion, selectable output via ring & 4FTC, TIR, 500 lumens)
The R1, UAR, UBR and UNR are recharged using a plug-in cable into a socket at the neck of the body near the fuel gauge.
They can also be powered by two-SF123As using a "lithium battery magazine".
UDR "Dominator" (li-ion, 11-setting selector ring, multi-function head switch, Smooth Reflector for extended reach, 2000 lumens)
It is recharged using a plug-in cable into a socket at the neck of the body. There is also a fuel gauge
The UDR can also be powered by twelve-SF123As, presumably in a battery magazine.
Maximus (Headlamp, li-ion, 500 lumens)
Minimus AA (Headlamp, (2AA), 100 lumens)
Minimus Tactical (Headlamp, 100 lumens)
Minimus Vision (Headlamp, warm 80 lumens)
Joining the 6PX & G2X are the proposed Z2X & G2ZX and 6PXD "Defender"
Also proposed is the M6LT (looks like the M3LT bezel, except 800 lumens)
For the ladies there is the proposed "ISIS" light chrome-plated and "appointed with Swarovski crystals", it's a dual-output (100/10 lumens) and Li-ion powered featuring a touch "reactive tailcap - no pressing, clicking, or twisting". 简单来说,今年充电产品算是一个SF热点。 產品走樣了,亮度提高了~ 突然懷念起PK在的時候{:1_207:} 性能越来越好,外观越来越...............{:1_269:} 跑题插播4sevens的发布:
funder 发表于 2011-1-19 04:54 http://www.shoudian.org/images/common/back.gif