ISDT N8,lygte的一个半笑脸评价(满分三个笑脸)犹如预期,结论如下,已经很客气了,本来打算在N8和NC1500之间二选一,但N8评价不怎样,马上又去问了SKYRC,经过一天等待,确认NC1500用PWM调节电流,果断放弃,现在已经将二者全部移出购物车...继续期待非PWM充电器...下面为N8评语(镍氢电压判停,没有top off,无法充满,容量显示不准,内阻功能几乎没用,最后总评说不错,不是客气是个啥?):
I like the metal enclosure, the display and buttons also works fine, but I would have liked some sort of status screen for all the batteries. The leds for each slot and the icons at the left of the screen show status, but not time, mAh or voltage, and it takes some time to check each slot on the display.
The charging uses some sort of voltage termination for NiMH and without top-off, this is good for battery lifetime (If the batteries stay cool), but means the batteries will not be completely filled.
The capacity display is not very precise, but is still very useful. The internal resistance is mostly useless.
The support for many battery types is only partial useful, NiZn and LiFePO4 will fit, but very few LiIon will fit.
This charger and the larger models may be very useful to keep a huge set of NiMH batteries charged and verify their capacity, i.e. when to replace them, but for charging a couple of batteries at home it is a bit of overkill, except if you use a lot of LiFePO4 and NiZn in AA/AAA size.
I will rate the charger fairly good.
带个图不好吗?我都不知道说的是啥货~ 一个ISDT N8,一个SkyRC NC1500: